Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) strategy advice to align with planning objectives.
EIA project lead and coordinator - from inception to project delivery, as needed.
Preparation of EIA Screening Requests.
Preparation of EIA Scoping Requests and Environmental Statement (ES) reports (inc ES Addendum/ Statement of Conformity).
Technical review of ES chapters.
Preparation of Health Impact Assessments (HIA).
Coordination of environmental reports for complex non-EIA projects.
Post-planning advice and discharge of environmental planning conditions.
Environmental Management Plans, inc Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP's).
General planning support to prepare planning applications.

We are a small, independent consultancy providing personable, solution-driven, health and environmental impact advice throughout the planning process - from inception to project delivery.
What we do.
Nimbus Environmental was established with the objective of having a positive impact on the places we live, work, and escape to. Now presents a pivotal point of change for all of us.
We specialise in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and offer a unique and adaptable alternative to provide targeted advice to help meet your goals – whatever the sector and scale of project.
We see the ‘big picture’ as well as the detail. As Chartered Town Planners we understand the wider planning process as well as the technical evidence. We lead teams to quickly identify implications for decision-making and project delivery and to ensure assessments are proportionate.
Collaboration is central to what we do. We work closely with teams of planners, architects, and technical specialists, to manage risks and retain flexibility from the outset, and influence key messaging and decisions. We also draw on the expertise of tried and tested specialists and a wide network of other professionals. Our projects range from urban regeneration, mixed-use commercial, specialist science and technology, health, infrastructure, and rural developments.
Navigating the planning process can be frustrating with far too many acronyms and jargon terms. We provide succinct, tailored advice on environmental and health impacts to efficiently move projects forward. We also work to bring a burst of positive energy along the way to lead and drive others.


Nimbus Environmental was founded in 2020 by Lisa Hall. Lisa is an Environmental Planner with over 14 years' experience working on urban regeneration, mixed-use commercial, specialist science and technology, health, infrastructure, and rural developments. She is a skilled leader able to motivate large teams to meet challenging goals, with extensive experience advising clients in the public and private sector. Most recently Lisa was Associate Director at Barton Willmore and prior to that co-led the Environmental Planning team at Bidwells.
She has been a Chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) since 2012, sits on the East of England RTPI Regional Activities Committee, and is a Practitioner Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).
Lisa likes cycling and swimming in the River Cam and not a lot of people know that she is related to Luke Howard, the ‘namer of the clouds’. Luke lived in Tottenham 150 years ago and was most well-known for coming up with the nomenclature for the classification of the clouds (nimbus, stratus etc).
Nimbus Environmental draw on a strong track record of delivering permissions and making development happen. Recent projects include:

How we work.
We work directly for and with developers to meet project objectives and collaborate with planning and design teams to lead on environmental and health impacts - from inception to project delivery.
We also provide tailored freelance support to planning consultancies on a regular or ad-hoc sub-consultancy basis – working as fully embedded members of the team or to provide discrete project inputs and reports. We offer fixed rates or hourly/ daily rates depending on the needs of the team and project.